v3.2.632 [Nov 16, 2013]
- Fixed: The "Access violation" error when saving a database.
v3.0.539 [Oct 21, 2010]
- new: Integration with Firefox 4.
- new: Integration with Google Chrome.
- new: Integration with Opera.
- new: The form filling function works for authentication dialogs in Firefox.
- new: The form filling function works for 64-bit applications.
- new: "Launch the application on Windows start" option.
- updated: The form filling function works for more applications.
- updated: Hotkeys work on 64-bit Windows.
- updated: Better support for Windows Vista and Windows 7.
- fixed: Stability issues of Internet Explorer integration.
v2.3.0.509 [Mar 3, 2008]
- new: Database format was changed. Old versions of Password Manager XP will not be able to open new databases.
- new: Professional edition of Password Manager XP.
- new: Files can be stored inside a database.
- new: Fully automatic form filling and data saving in supported browsers.
- new: Support for combobox and listbox controls in form filling.
- new: Custom images can be used as icons for records and folders.
- new: Synchronization of databases.
- new: User rights: View passwords in lists, Modify files, Extract files, Form filling.
- new: Users can be disabled.
- new: Cut, Copy, Paste operations for folders and records.
- new: Database option 'Remember sort order'.
- new: Auto backup options can be specified per database.
- new: Inactivity timeout can be specified per database.
- new: Field type "Checkbox" and option "Predefined values" for "String" field.
- new: For each field a default value can be specified.
- new: Support for multi-monitor configurations.
- new: Support for Netscape 8.1 and experimental support for Internet Explorer 7 beta2.
- new: Option to set action for double click (Edit record or Copy password to clipboard).
- new: Program's options can be configured using AD Group Policy administrative template.
- new: Pro only: User actions logging: Open DB, Logon, View password, Print, Export, Fill form.
- new: Pro only: Built-in user groups.
- improved: User computer name and IP address are recorded in action log.
- improved: mailto:[email protected] can be used as URL to launch mail client for specified e-mail.
- improved: If NT user is member of several NT groups, all groups are processed when permissions are calculated.
- improved: Folders tree is scrolled during drag'n'drop operations.
- improved: Records can be sorted in descending order. Current sort order is displayed in column header.
- improved: Inactivity timeout can be up to 9999 seconds.
- improved: Double confirmation when deleting a database.
- improved: Single functional key (F2-F24) can be set as hotkey.
- improved: Size of fill/save form wizard is saved.
- improved: Folders tree is not fully expanded while searching.
- improved: New registration data can be entered using 'About\Register...' menu item.
- improved: Help file.
- fix: Multiline text edited in separate window is saved if database was closed due inactivity timeout.
- fix: internal enhancements and bug fixes.
High-end password management and protection with MFA and AES-256 encryption.
Fantastic password manager jam packed with powerful features and capabilities.