Password Manager XP versions

Allows you to create several databases for storing desired information
Oct 25, 2020
Mar 17, 2017
Nov 16, 2013
Feb 16, 2012
Oct 21, 2010
Editorial review
Mar 3, 2008
Mar 28, 2008
Mar 6, 2008
Oct 8, 2008
Feb 8, 2010

What's new

v3.2.632 [Nov 16, 2013]
- Fixed: The "Access violation" error when saving a database.

v3.0.539 [Oct 21, 2010]
- new: Integration with Firefox 4.
- new: Integration with Google Chrome.
- new: Integration with Opera.
- new: The form filling function works for authentication dialogs in Firefox.
- new: The form filling function works for 64-bit applications.
- new: "Launch the application on Windows start" option.
- updated: The form filling function works for more applications.
- updated: Hotkeys work on 64-bit Windows.
- updated: Better support for Windows Vista and Windows 7.
- fixed: Stability issues of Internet Explorer integration.

v2.3.0.509 [Mar 3, 2008]
- new: Database format was changed. Old versions of Password Manager XP will not be able to open new databases.
- new: Professional edition of Password Manager XP.
- new: Files can be stored inside a database.
- new: Fully automatic form filling and data saving in supported browsers.
- new: Support for combobox and listbox controls in form filling.
- new: Custom images can be used as icons for records and folders.
- new: Synchronization of databases.
- new: User rights: View passwords in lists, Modify files, Extract files, Form filling.
- new: Users can be disabled.
- new: Cut, Copy, Paste operations for folders and records.
- new: Database option 'Remember sort order'.
- new: Auto backup options can be specified per database.
- new: Inactivity timeout can be specified per database.
- new: Field type "Checkbox" and option "Predefined values" for "String" field.
- new: For each field a default value can be specified.
- new: Support for multi-monitor configurations.
- new: Support for Netscape 8.1 and experimental support for Internet Explorer 7 beta2.
- new: Option to set action for double click (Edit record or Copy password to clipboard).
- new: Program's options can be configured using AD Group Policy administrative template.
- new: Pro only: User actions logging: Open DB, Logon, View password, Print, Export, Fill form.
- new: Pro only: Built-in user groups.
- improved: User computer name and IP address are recorded in action log.
- improved: mailto:[email protected] can be used as URL to launch mail client for specified e-mail.
- improved: If NT user is member of several NT groups, all groups are processed when permissions are calculated.
- improved: Folders tree is scrolled during drag'n'drop operations.
- improved: Records can be sorted in descending order. Current sort order is displayed in column header.
- improved: Inactivity timeout can be up to 9999 seconds.
- improved: Double confirmation when deleting a database.
- improved: Single functional key (F2-F24) can be set as hotkey.
- improved: Size of fill/save form wizard is saved.
- improved: Folders tree is not fully expanded while searching.
- improved: New registration data can be entered using 'About\Register...' menu item.
- improved: Help file.
- fix: Multiline text edited in separate window is saved if database was closed due inactivity timeout.
- fix: internal enhancements and bug fixes.

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